Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014

Miracle at Cana - Čudo u Kani - Wunder zu Kana - Part-5

It is with immense pleasure and gratitude that we welcome our first contributor, Vladimir D. Janković, who has translated 65 novels and 110 other publications from French and English into Serbian, amongst which are three Booker Prize winners: Hilary Mantel's novels Wolf Hall and Bring Up the Bodies as well as Anne Enright’s The Gathering. His translations have reached the readership throughout the Balkans thanks to the editions of prestigious Serbian publishers: Laguna, Dereta, Evro-Giunti, Booka, Narodna knjiga, Mladinska knjiga Beograd, Čarobna knjiga, Beobook… Please don't miss below and in previous posts his wonderful suggestions and brilliant commentary:

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What are you to me, dearest [dear] brothers in Christ, when [if] I can no longer enjoy your devotion, even though it still calls to me in someone's loyal heart, which doesn't dare beat freely... [or: ...even though it's still present in someone's loyal heart that yearns for me and dare not beat freely] [even though it may still call to me in some loyal heart], because it doesn't have me (I'm not there) to drive those heartbeats forever and ever in the days to come [when I'm no longer there to record it]; [when] I'm no longer there as a sacred [consecrated] bell, [to ring out] thunderously and boomingly boosting/strengthening the feeble tappings [uncertain beatings] of your wavering hearts at the gate of true life; no longer is the One who could have halted [No one knows how to halt] nature, saying: That's enough, stop now [Now that's enough, stop], get back within your inhuman [monstrous] limitations, into your soulless nothingness.

Šta je meni do vas, premila braćo u Hristu, kada više ne mogu da uživam vašu privrženost, čak i da me ona priziva u nečijem još uvek odanom srcu, koje ne sme slobodno da kuca, jer nema mene da te otkucaje vo vjeki vjekova zakucam u dane što idu, nema mene da kao posvećeno zvono gromko, ispolinski otkucam nejako kuckanje vaših kolebljivih srdaca o vrata istinskog života, nema jedinog koji je umeo da ustavi prirodu, govoreći: sad je dosta, sad stani, natrag u svoju neljudsku ograničenost, u svoju bezdušnu ništavost.

Aber was soll ich mit euch, liebste Christen Brüder, da ich eure Hingabe nicht mehr genießen kann, auch wenn sich doch noch ein treues Herz nach mir sehnt, das nicht wagt frei zu schlagen, weil es mich nicht hat die Herzschläge für immer und ewig in den kommenden Tagen einzutragen;

Vladimir D. Janković:

I think dearest is all right. Or, possibly, my dearest?
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Maybe when is even better than since or if?
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Because there is no me to hammer those heartbeats for ever and ever in the days to come.
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I’m no longer there as a consecrated bell, to strike uproariously and humongously that faint beating of your wavering hearts...

Montag, 24. Februar 2014

Miracle at Cana - Čudo u Kani - Wunder zu Kana - Part-4

Please don't miss below and in previous posts Vladimir D. Janković's wonderful suggestions and brilliant commentary:

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When not a single believer or leader of the pious Christian community was not convinced that Peter's sacrifice alone – there it is calling this offence God-pleasing courage [or: now there is a blessed courage for an offence] – in this treacherous night, pierced by a kiss and three shrill crows from the High Priest's rooster, saved our faith, and that only Peter, that foundation stone of the Church capable to crush men, was able, in continuo to preserve all that was of worth and of faith in them, which they would have, had they had lived longer, inevitably devalued and betrayed.
[When no single believer or Leader of the devout Christian community is convinced that only Peter's sacrifice preserved our faith, and that Peter alone, that foundation stone of the Church able to crush men, was enabled even in continuo to preserve all that was worthy and faithful among them, in order that they should live longer, ceaselessly divesting themselves of merit and renouncing their faith.]

Kada nijedan vernik ni glavar blagočastive zajednice hrišćana nije ubeđen da je samo Petrova žrtva – evo je zovem bogougodnom hrabrošću za prestup – u onoj izdajničkoj noći, izbodenoj s jednim poljupcem i tri šiljasta krika prvosvešteničkog petla, sačuvala našu veru, i da je samo Petar, taj kamen temeljac Crkve, sposoban da satire ljude, bio kadar i da in continuo sačuva sve što je u njima bilo vredno i verno, a što bi oni, da su duže poživeli, neizostavno obezvredili i izneverili.

Wenn nicht ein Gläubiger oder Herrscher der frommen/pietätvollen Gemeinschaft der Christen nicht davon überzeugt ist, dass allein Peters Opfer – na das nenne ich einen Gott-gesegneten Mut fürs Vergehen – in dieser tückischen Nacht, durbohrt von einem Kuss und drei spitzen Schreien des Hahns vom Hohenpriester [Hohenpriesters Hahn], unseren Glauben bewahrt, und dass nur Peter, der Grundstein der Kirche und fähig Menschen zu vernichten, in der Lage war das gute und treue in ihnen, in continuo zu bewahren, die Werte, die sie, wenn sie länger gelebt hätten, unweigerlich entwerten und betrügen würden.

Vladimir D. Janković:

I’d put it this way:
that Peter’s sacrifice alone – that is what I call a God-pleasing audiacity to transgress – in that treacherous night…
* * * 
to preserve all that was of worth and of faith in them, and which they would have, had they lived longer, inevitably devalued and betrayed.

 It’s a perfect, not a present tense!

Samstag, 22. Februar 2014

Miracle at Cana - Čudo u Kani - Wunder zu Kana - Part-3

Please don't miss below and in previous posts Vladimir D. Janković's wonderful suggestions and brilliant commentary:

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But what are you to Peter when faith is nothing to you [you have no faith]; when you're only waiting for my third death rattle to be announced Urbi et Orbi before pouncing [falling] like a scourge [pestilence] upon the Lord's heritage, dividing what has been shared though indivisible, ripping apart what has been given to remain whole, squandering what has been offered to be cherished [dividing what is written to be as indivisible, violating what was given as inviolable, destroying what was offered as indestructible].

Ali šta je Petru do vas kad vama nije do vere; kada jedva čekate da se, pošto Urbi et Orbi bude oglašen moj treći ropac, kao pošast strovalite na nasleđe Gospodnje, deleći ono što je izdeljano nedeljivo, rastržući ono što je darovano neraskidivo, rasturajući ono što je pruženo nerasturivo.

Aber was soll Peter mit euch wenn der Glaube euch nichts ist/angeht; wenn ihr nur auf die Urbi et Orbi Verkündung meines dritten Todesröcheln warted bevor ihr wie eine Plage über Gottes Erbe herfällt; zu zerteilen was als unteilbar beschert wurde, zu zerreissen was als unzertrennlich vermacht wurde, zu zerstören was als unzerstörbar gegeben wurde. 

Vladimir D. Janković:

I think there is no reason to change that but. Or it should, maybe, be however?
* * * 
 The option with a scourge that is pouncing upon is very good, I think. Just an idea: maybe this scourge should be changed to a plague. And then this plague wouldn't be pouncing upon, but rather plunging upon, or maybe striking upon.

Dienstag, 18. Februar 2014

Miracle at Cana - Čudo u Kani - Wunder zu Kana - Part-2

Please don't miss below and in previous posts Vladimir D. Janković's wonderful suggestions and brilliant commentary:

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Let [May] this testament find you [, wherever you may be] of generous and not wooden heart, of thirsting and not sated soul and [with] ears wide open to the word of truth.
So, this is what is announced [address] to [all] the elders of the Christian communities by [is from] Simon Peter, son of Jona from Bethsaida of Gennesaret whom the Savior named Cephas and turned [changed] into the hard [firm] rock on which he built [based] his Church. To the glory of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit [Ghost]. Amen.
You're pleading [ask] for me to visit you, you're crying out [call] for me because I am indispensable to you; indispensable to Corinth, indispensable to Salonica, much needed in [imperative to] Jerusalem, irreplaceable to Athens, and heathenish Rome [which doesn't know God] can't do without me.
Deceivers! Blasphemers! Hypocrites! Haven't you learned yet that nothing is indispensable except faith and nothing is irreplaceable except faith. Neither catechism [doctrines] nor catechist, neither [prayer nor the] Creed nor believers. Only faith.
Do you mean to tell me that you don't know where I am, that you don't know that I'm rotting in a Roman prison and that tomorrow at dawn they'll crucify me on a cross from which already much flesh has fallen of your brothers in Christ [the flesh of your brothers in Chris is already falling]? Deceivers! Blasphemers! Hypocrites! [Hypocrites! Blasphemers! Deceivers!]

I da vas ovaj amanet nađe gde ste, podašna a ne drvena srca, vapijuće a ne presite duše, i uha raskriljenog za reč istine.
Ovo, dakle, starešinama hrišćanskih zajednica saopštava Simon Petar, sin Jonin iz Vitsaide genizaretske, koga Spasitelj prozva Kifom i skameni u tvrdu stenu na kojoj sazida Crkvu svoju. U slavu Oca, i Sina, i svetog Duha. Amin.
Molite me da vas obiđem, vapijete za mnom jer sam vam neophodan; Korintu neophodan i Solunu neophodan, preko potreban Jerusalimu, nenadoknadiv Atini, i Rim neznabožački da ne može bez mene.
Pritvorice! bogohulnici! licemeri! ne naučiste li do sada da ništa nije neophodno do vera, i ništa nezamenljivo do vera. Ni veronauk, ni veroučitelji, ni Vjeruju, ni vernici. Samo vera.
I smerate li da mi rečete da ne znate gde sam, da ne znate da trunem u rimskom zatvoru, i da će me sutra u zoru razapeti na krst sa koga već uveliko spada meso vaše braće u Hristu? Pritvorice! bogohulnici! licemeri!

Und das dieser/s Erlass/Geheiß Euch mit einem großmütigen und nicht hölzernen Herzen vorfindet, mit jammernder und nicht gesättigter Seele, und mit weit offenen Ohren für das Wort der Wahrheit.
Dies also, ist die Verkündigung an die Ältesten der Christlichen Gemeinde von Simon Peter, Sohn des Jona aus Bethsaida Genezareth, den der Erlöser Kephas nannte und in den harten Fels verwandelte, auf dem er seine Kirche baute. Zur Ehre des Vaters und des Sohnes und des Heiligen Geistes. Amen.
Ihr fleht mich an zu euch zu kommen, ihr schreit nach mir weil ich unentbehrlich für euch bin; unentbehrlich für Corinth, unentbehrlich für Saloniki, zwingend notwendig für Jerusalem, unersetzlich für Athen, und das heidnische Rom kann nicht ohne mich auskommen.
Betrüger! Lästerer! Heuchler! Habt ihr noch nicht gelernt, dass nichts unentbehrlich ist, außer dem Glauben und nichts unersetzlich ist, außer dem Glauben. Weder Katechismus noch Katechet, weder Glaubensbekenntnis noch Gläubige. Nur der Glaube.
Wollt ihr mir weismachen, dass ihr nicht wisst, wo ich bin; dass ihr nicht wisst, dass ich in einem römischen Gefängnis verrotte und in der Morgendämmerung/bei Tagesanbruch auf einem Kreuz gekreuzigt werde, von dem das Fleisch eurer Christlichen Bruderschaft schon lange abfällt? Betrüger! Lästerer! Heuchler!

Vladimir D. Janković:

May this testament find you… It is a more ordinary option, but still it’s closer to original.
* * * 
It might be yearning and not sated soul. Wailing is too noisy, too demonstrative; yearning is inside.
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I think turned into the hard rock is better than changed.
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You are asking me… , that’s how I would say. Why begging?
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… asking me to come to you is – in my opinion – stronger and better than visit you.
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You are crying out for me – better than the other option.
* * * 
Maybe much needed in Jerusalem
* * * 
Here I would say the Heathenish Rome. The adjecitve heathenish is, I deem, more suitable than pagan here.
* * * 
Catechist is the right word, I wouldn’t change it.

Samstag, 15. Februar 2014

Miracle at Cana - Čudo u Kani - Wunder zu Kana - Part-1

Please don't miss in previous posts Vladimir D. Janković's wonderful suggestions and brilliant commentary:

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FROM SIMON, son of Jona, by the Lord's will Peter, apostle and servant of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a (congregational) catholic epistle to all bishops, archdeacons, deacons and elders of all those who have received from us [accepted with us] the one and only true faith – to the Jews, the Romans, the Corinthians, the Ephesians, the Galatians, the Philippians, the Colossians, the Thessalonians, as well as to all the newcomers: Blessing to you and [the] peace from God our Father, and [of] the Lord Jesus Christ.

Od Simona Joninog, po volji božjoj Petra, apostola i sluge gospoda našeg Isusa Hrista, saborna poslanica vladikama, arhiđakonima, đakonima i starešinama svih koji su primili s nama jednu i jedinu pravu veru – Jevrejima, Rimljanima, Korinćanima, Efescima, Galatima, Filibljanima, Kološanima, Solunjanima, kao i onima koji su došljaci: blagodet vam i mir od Boga oca našeg i gospoda Isusa Hrista.

VON SIMON, Sohn des Jona, durch den Willen Gottes Petrus, Apostel und Diener unseres Herrn Jesus Christus, eine (Gemeinde Brief) katolische Epistel an alle Bischöfe, Archidiakone, Diakone und Oberhäupter, und alle, die von uns die einzig wahre Religion erhalten haben – Juden, Römer, Korinther, Epheser, Galater, Philipper, Kolosser, Thessalonicher, sowie an alle Neulinge: Gnade sei mit euch und Friede von Gott, unserm Vater, und dem Herrn Jesus Christus.

Third Bible Quote - Miracle at Cana

Please don't miss in previous posts Vladimir D. Janković's wonderful suggestions and brilliant commentary:

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Miracle at Cana 

Jesus said to them, “Fill the waterpots with water.” So they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, “Draw some out now and take it to the master of ceremonies .” So they took it to him. When the master of ceremonies tasted the water which had become wine, and did not know where it came from, he called the bridegroom, and said to him, “Every man serves the good wine first, and when the people have drunk freely, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now.” This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him. [Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was, he called the bridegroom, and saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse; but thou hast kept the good wine until now. This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.] John 2:7-11

Čudo u Kani

„Reče im Isus: napunite sudove vodom. I napuniše ih do vrha. I reče im: zahvatite sad i nosite kumu. I odnesoše. A kad okusi kum vino koje je postalo od vode, ne znajući otkuda je, zovnu ženika i reče mu: svaki čovek najpre dobro vino iznosi, a kad se opiju onda rđavo, a ti si dobro vino sačuvao do sada. Ovo učini Isus početak čuda u Kani galilejskoj, i pokaza slavu svoju, i učenici njegovi verovahu mu.“ (JEVANĐELJE PO JOVANU, GL. 2)

Wunder zu Kana

„Jesus spricht zu ihnen: Füllt die Krüge mit Wasser! Und sie füllten sie bis obenhin. Und er spricht zu ihnen: Schöpft nun und bringt es dem Speisemeister! Und sie brachten es hin. Als aber der Speisemeister von dem Wasser, das Wein geworden war, gekostet hatte, und nicht wußte, woher es war, da rief er den Bräutigam und sprach zu ihm: Jedermann setzt zuerst den guten Wein vor, und dann, wenn sie trunken geworden sind, den geringeren; du aber hast den guten Wein bis jetzt aufbewahrt! Dieses Wunderzeichen in Kana in Galiläa war das erste, das Jesus tat. Damit offenbarte er seine Herrlichkeit, und seine Jünger glaubten an ihn.“ Johannes 2

Second Bible Quote - The Time of Miracles

Please don't miss in previous posts Vladimir D. Janković's wonderful suggestions and brilliant commentary:

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“When John heard in prison what the Messiah was doing, he sent a message by his disciples and asked Him: Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another? [Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said unto him, Art thou he that should come, or do we look for another?] Jesus replied to them: Go and report to John what you hear and see [Jesus answered and said unto them, Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see:] – the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised to life, and the Good News is being preached to the poor. [The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.] And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.” Matthew 11 :2-6

„A Jovan, čuvši u tamnici dela Hristova, posla dvojicu učenika svojih i reče mu: jesi li ti onaj koji će doći ili drugog da čekamo? A Isus odgovarajući reče im: idite i kažite Jovanu što čujete i vidite – slepi gledaju, hromi hode, gubavi se čiste, gluhi čuju, mrtvi ustaju i siromašnima se propoveda jevanđelje. I blago onome koji se ne sablazni o mene.“ (JEVANĐELJE PO MATEJU, GL. 11)

„Als aber Johannes im Gefängnis die Werke des Christus vernahm, sandte er zwei seiner Jünger und ließ ihm sagen: Bist du, der da kommen soll, oder sollen wir eines anderen warten? Und Jesus antwortete und sprach zu ihnen: Geht hin und verkündigt dem Johannes, was ihr seht und hört – Blinde sehen, Lahme gehen, Aussätzige werden geheilt, Taube hören, Tote werden auferweckt, und den Armen wird ‘Gottes’ gute Botschaft verkündet. Und glückselig ist, wer nicht Anstoß nimmt an mir.“ Matthaeus 11