Please don't miss in previous posts Vladimir D. Janković's wonderful suggestions and brilliant commentary:
Please don't miss in previous posts Vladimir D. Janković's wonderful suggestions and brilliant commentary:
Color codes:
Orange—please help me with your thoughts and ideas in the comment section
Red—I need even more help ;)
Blue—these are omissions in the English translation
Light Green—reviewed changes implemented :))
Green—changes supported by authoritative sources, i.e. Bible
[italics]—discarded English translations
Orange—please help me with your thoughts and ideas in the comment section
Red—I need even more help ;)
Blue—these are omissions in the English translation
Light Green—reviewed changes implemented :))
Green—changes supported by authoritative sources, i.e. Bible
[italics]—discarded English translations
FROM SIMON, son of Jona, by the Lord's will Peter, apostle and servant of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a (congregational) catholic epistle to all bishops, archdeacons, deacons and elders of all those who have received from us [accepted with us] the one and only true faith – to the Jews, the Romans, the Corinthians, the Ephesians, the Galatians, the Philippians, the Colossians, the Thessalonians, as well as to all the newcomers: Blessing to you and [the] peace from God our Father, and [of] the Lord Jesus Christ.
Od Simona Joninog, po volji božjoj Petra, apostola i sluge gospoda našeg Isusa Hrista, saborna poslanica vladikama, arhiđakonima, đakonima i starešinama svih koji su primili s nama jednu i jedinu pravu veru – Jevrejima, Rimljanima, Korinćanima, Efescima, Galatima, Filibljanima, Kološanima, Solunjanima, kao i onima koji su došljaci: blagodet vam i mir od Boga oca našeg i gospoda Isusa Hrista.
VON SIMON, Sohn des Jona, durch den Willen Gottes Petrus, Apostel und Diener unseres Herrn Jesus Christus, eine (Gemeinde Brief) katolische Epistel an alle Bischöfe, Archidiakone, Diakone und Oberhäupter, und alle, die von uns die einzig wahre Religion erhalten haben – Juden, Römer, Korinther, Epheser, Galater, Philipper, Kolosser, Thessalonicher, sowie an alle Neulinge: Gnade sei mit euch und Friede von Gott, unserm Vater, und dem Herrn Jesus Christus.
Od Simona Joninog, po volji božjoj Petra, apostola i sluge gospoda našeg Isusa Hrista, saborna poslanica vladikama, arhiđakonima, đakonima i starešinama svih koji su primili s nama jednu i jedinu pravu veru – Jevrejima, Rimljanima, Korinćanima, Efescima, Galatima, Filibljanima, Kološanima, Solunjanima, kao i onima koji su došljaci: blagodet vam i mir od Boga oca našeg i gospoda Isusa Hrista.
VON SIMON, Sohn des Jona, durch den Willen Gottes Petrus, Apostel und Diener unseres Herrn Jesus Christus, eine (Gemeinde Brief) katolische Epistel an alle Bischöfe, Archidiakone, Diakone und Oberhäupter, und alle, die von uns die einzig wahre Religion erhalten haben – Juden, Römer, Korinther, Epheser, Galater, Philipper, Kolosser, Thessalonicher, sowie an alle Neulinge: Gnade sei mit euch und Friede von Gott, unserm Vater, und dem Herrn Jesus Christus.
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