Please don't miss further below Vladimir D. Janković's wonderful suggestions and brilliant commentary:
Please don't miss further below Vladimir D. Janković's wonderful suggestions and brilliant commentary:
Color codes:
Orange—please help me with your thoughts and ideas in the comment section
Red—I need even more help ;)
Blue—these are omissions in the English translation
Light Green—reviewed changes implemented :))
Green—changes supported by authoritative sources, i.e. Bible
[italics]—discarded English translations
Orange—please help me with your thoughts and ideas in the comment section
Red—I need even more help ;)
Blue—these are omissions in the English translation
Light Green—reviewed changes implemented :))
Green—changes supported by authoritative sources, i.e. Bible
[italics]—discarded English translations
And when, with effective assistance [the benevolent help] of heavenly frogs, lice and locusts, the people of Israel at last took courage to begin their miserable wanderings to their home, and when the distrustful halted to observe it [look closer upon], Moses, in the invisible company [went up into the invisible presence] of God, climbed the peak of Nebo [on the mountain of Nebo], and behold: the land before the Hebrew people and before the eyes of the dying Lawreceiver [Lawgiver] was Canaan, the Promised Land.
A kada se, uz delotvornu pomoć nebeskih žaba, vašaka i skakavaca, Izrailjci najzad odvažiše da otpočnu prvo od svojih zlehudih potucanja za Domom, i kada se nepoverljivi zaustaviše da ga osmotre, ispe se Mojsije u nevidljivom društvu Gospoda na vis Navav, i gle: zemlja pred narodom Ivrim i mrtvim zakonoprimčevim očima beše Hanan, Zemlja obećana.
Und als, mit wirksamer Hilfe von himmlischen Fröschen, Läusen und Heuschrecken, Israel endlich den Mut nahm die erste ihrer unglücklichen Wanderungen zu ihrem Verheißungsland zu beginnen; und als die Argwöhnischen/Misstrauischen verharrten um es zu bemustern, bestieg Moses in Gottes unsichtbarer Anwesenheit die Spitze Nebo, und siehe da: das Land vor dem Hebräischen Volk und vor den Augen des sterbenden Gesetzesempfängers war Kanaan, das Gelobte Land.
Vladimir D. Janković:
Vladimir D. Janković:
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And when, with the benevolent help of heavenly frogs, lice and locusts…
Here I would preserve this delightfully concealed, subtle irony, and say it like this:
And when, with effective assistance of heavenly frogs, lice and locusts… (We don’t need, I guess, that „the“ before „effective“ or, as it was, „benevolent“.)
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… and when the distrustful halted to appraise/assess [look closer upon] it…
I have an interesting idea; there is something beefy, something livestocky, and, yet, contemplating in those who don’t believe… Anyway, wasn’t Hera honoured by the nickname Cowlike (Kravolika)? So, I’d put it this way:
… and when the distrustful halted to observe it…
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I think, by the way, that distrustful is quite a good option here.
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Our famous zakonoprimač from that charming Vračarian café Privé should definitely be a Lawreceiver. Look at this quote from The Book of Philippians: „ I am not the lawgiver, but lawreceiver“. Even the traditionally sober precursor of anthropology Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu, or, simply, Montesquieu (1689– 1755) mentions „particular (that is, privileged) relations between the lawmaker and the lawreceiver“.
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Here I would preserve this delightfully concealed, subtle irony, and say it like this: "And when, with effective assistance of heavenly frogs, lice and locusts…". Yes, absolutely; it's excellent. Very Monty Python, isn't it...
AntwortenLöschen"...wasn’t Hera honoured by the nickname Cowlike?"; yes, indeed:
AntwortenLöschen"Her familiar Homeric epithet Boôpis, is always translated "cow-eyed", for, like the Greeks of Classical times, its other natural translation "cow-faced". In this respect, Hera bears some resemblance to the Ancient Egyptian deity Hathor, a maternal goddess associated with cattle."
So, observe works perfectly! And the difference between distrustful and mistrustful, apart from being a mouthful, is also interesting: in distrustful you no longer believe in someone's advice or recommendation; it implies having had a bad experience in contrast to merely not trusting a stranger as in mistrustful.
Thank you for this wonderful reference to Montesquieu! It has elevated Lawreceiver to a special status, notwithstanding our memorable zakonoprimač at café Privé :))
AntwortenLöschen"...Moses went up with the invisible company [into the invisible presence] of God on the mountain of Nebo..." Ljiljana suggested this change as it corresponds closer to the original: "...ispe se Mojsije u nevidljivom društvu Gospoda na vis Navav..." What are your thoughts?