Dienstag, 21. Januar 2014

Good News - Blaga vest - Frohe Botschaft - Part-5

Please don't miss below and in previous posts Vladimir D. Janković's wonderful suggestions and brilliant commentary:

Color codes: 
Orange—please help me with your thoughts and ideas in the comment section
RedI need even more help ;)
Bluethese are omissions in the English translation
Light Greenreviewed changes implemented :))
Greenchanges supported by authoritative sources, i.e. Bible
[italics]discarded English translations

Between the red-rusty caverns of Idumaea and the dun-colored [grey] plateau of Aram; between the limp Jordan basin and the Mediterranean; from the seven-faceted [the challenge is to make a sensible connection to the idea of  "...1st millennium CE Jewish scholars developed an elaborate system of Seven Heavens"], dense and low (hanging) heavens, to the rolling land of yellow groves, yellow dunes and yellow fields, stretches lazily Eretz Israel, which Jehovah gave to his favored people to occupy[Eretz Israel, which Jehovah gave as a possession to his favored people, lazily stretched between the rust-colored caverns of Idumaea and the gray plateau of Aram, between the fertile Jordan basin and the Mediterranean, from the dense, low heavens to the rolling land of yellow groves, yellow caverns and yellow fields under the plow.]

Između rđastih pešteri Idumeje i sure aramske visoravni, između mlitavog sliva Jordana i Sredozemlja, od sedmolikog, gustog i niskog neba do grbavog tla žutih gajeva, žutih peščara i žutih oranica, prostire se leno Erek Jisrael, koji je Jahve dao u pritežanje svom narodu-mezimcu.

Zwischen den rot-rostigen Höhlen von Idumaea und der dunfarbenen Hochebene von Aram; zwischen dem schlaffen Flussbett des Jordan und dem Mittelmeer; aus den dichten und tief hängenden Sieben Himmeln zu den rollenden Hügeln und gelben Hainen, gelben Dünen und gelben Felder, erstreckt sich träge Eretz Israel, das Jehova seinem bevorzugten Volk zu Beherrschung (über)gab.

Vladimir D. Janković:

Those rust-colored caverns first. Yes, the standard translation for the word pešter is cave, or cavern, but when did you see a rust-coloured (rđasta) cavern? It’s always dark in a cave, so any red, rusty nuance just cannot dominate in such places... Altough, it’s Idumaea, not Western or Southwestern Serbia, for instance, where caves are deep gray, black-green, echoing with sounds of water.
So, the rust-colored pešters should be rust-colored ravines; yes, these are ravines, they can be seen from outside, they are not hidden from the Sun.
* * *
Dun-colored... Great solution. It evokes a desert (dune). Let’s leave it as it is.
* * *
Limp Jordan basin... Well, what about bedridden Jordan basin? Pure madness.
* * *
Why not seven-faceted, pregnant, low skies? There is some Alabamian ambiance in it, what do you say? With Skynard plane falling from those pregnant, low skies?
* * *
I would put dunes, as a connection with dun-colored.
* * *
Stretches lazily – good.
* * *
…which Jehovah gave to his favored people to control/rule
It could be like this: ... which Jehovah bestowed to his beloved people to govern.

8 Kommentare:

  1. "So, the rust-colored pešters should be rust-colored ravines; yes, these are ravines, they can be seen from outside, they are not hidden from the Sun." Brillian! ravines it is...

    1. Actually caverns seem to be a better fit after looking at these pictures here, here and here.

  2. The original "...mlitavog sliva Jordana..." is causing trouble... what means limp basin or even bedridden?? Especially in the context of the Jordan river which is very windy especially between the Sea ​​of ​​Galilee and the Dead Sea (210 km vs 105 as the crow flies), so much longer than a straight line between its origin in the Golan Heights and the Dead Sea. What does "...mlitavog sliva Jordana..." mean in context of dropping "...rapidly in a 75 kilometre run to swampy Lake Hula, which is slightly above sea level. Exiting the lake, it drops much more in the 25 kilometres down to the Sea of Galilee. The last section has less gradient, and the river meanders before entering the Dead Sea, about 422 metres below sea level, which has no outlet. Two major tributaries enter from the east during this last section: the Yarmouk River and Zarqa River." [Wikipedia]
    Is swampy the clue, in which case bedridden would work nicely... We keep digging...

  3. Pekic's "...od sedmolikog, gustog i niskog neba do..." Why not seven-faceted, pregnant, low skies? Sounds great, but we need to find a solution that evokes the connection Pekic intended here to Shamayim, the Hebrew word for "heaven"; in fact the seven heavens, to be precise [Wikipedia]:
    "In the course of the 1st millennium CE Jewish scholars developed an elaborate system of Seven Heavens, their names being Vilon (וילון, also called "arafel"), Raki'a (רקיע), Shehaqim (שחקים), Zebul (זבול), Ma'on (מעון), Machon (מכון), and Araboth(ערבות), where ofanim, the seraphim, and the hayyoth and the throne of the Lord are located."
    So, what exactly is Pekic saying with sedmolikog? Seven-facetet certainly is going in the right direction... watch this space ;)

  4. Between ..... stretches lazily Eretz Israel
    Između ..... prostire se leno Erek Israel
    leno je zemlja ili posed
    so LENO is not LENJO, so it is not lazily but LAND
    Between ..... stretches the land of Eretz Israel

    1. The problem is that Eretz Ysrael means Land of Isreal, so strictly speaking we'd be saying, "...stretches the land of Land Israel"

  5. "...dense and low hanging heavens,..."
    Pekić sais:
    gustog i niskog neba
    So I think it would be enough to say
    "...dense and low heavens,..."
